Healthy Smiles Ontario

The program is founded by Ontario government. Provides free basic dental treatment for children and youth in low income families, who are 17 years of age or under.

Do I qualify?

To be eligible, the child must meet following criteria:

  1. be 17 years or younger
  2. be a resident of Ontario
  3. Be a member of a household with an Adjusted Family Net Income of $23,170 or lower. See table below.
  4. have no access to any form of dental coverage (including government programs such as ODSP, OW, and Non-Insured Health Benefits)

What documents do I need?

You must provide all three:

  1. Annual Goods and Services Tax Credit Entitlement Notice OR Annual Canada child Tax Benefit and Ontario Child Benefit Notice (most recent tax year)
  2. Applying parent’s/guardian’s government-issued identification (valid Ontario Health Card, Passport, Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Resident Card, Canadian Immigration Identification Card, OR valid Ontario Driver’s Licence)
  3. Child’s Valid Ontario Health Card

What treatment is included?

The program includes regular visits to a licensed dental provider and covers the costs of treatment including:

  • check-ups
  • cleaning
  • fillings (for a cavity)
  • scaling
  • tooth extraction
  • urgent or emergency dental care (including treatment of a child’s toothache or tooth pain)

Cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening and braces, are not covered by the program.

Who is automatically enrolled?

Children are automatically enrolled in the program if:

  • they receive assistance under
    • Temporary Care Assistance
    • Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
  • they or their family receive
    • Ontario Works
    • Ontario Disability Support

Income eligibility:

Number of dependent children in your household Family net income
1 child $23,170 or lower
2 children $24,924 or lower
3 children $26,677 or lower
4 children $28,431 or lower
5 children $30,185 or lower

More Information

If you have any questions, need to update your account information or replace your dental card(s), please contact the ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-844-296-6306.

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